NL :Land belongs to Mother Earth - Terra pertence à Mãe Terra - Land is van Moeder Aardeis een Portugese vereniging die tot doel heeft:- de natuurlijke omgeving van aangekochte eigendommen en grond te beschermen en in stand te houden, te ontwikkelen en te verbeteren;- leven in harmonie tussen mens en aarde , met respect voor de waarden van de vereniging.

De waarden of pijlers van de vereniging voor een positieve, vreedzame, harmonieuze en duurzame samenleving, zijn gebaseerd op het hartsbewustzijn:- Bewustzijn van eenheid- Onthechting van bezittingen- Respect, altruïsme en onvoorwaardelijk vrijwilligerswerk- Permacultuur met zorg voor de aarde om overvloed van voedsel te creëren- Broederlijk, vredig en holistisch bewustzijn- Intergenerationele diversiteit en kennisoverdracht- Ecologisch en alternatieve woonst


FR :Land belongs to Mother Earth - Terra pertence à Mãe Terra - La terre appartient à la Terre Mèreest une association portugaise qui vise à :- protéger et préserver l'environnement naturel des biens et terres acquis;- entretenir, développer, améliorer la qualité de cet environnement et de ces biens dont l'association est propriétaire;- permettre la vie en Harmonie entre les Hommes et le Terre dans le respect des valeurs de l'association.

Les valeurs ou piliers de l'association pour une société positive, pacifique, harmonieuse et durable, sont basés sur la conscience du cœur :- Conscience de l'unité et du sens sacré- Détachement des possessions- Respect, altruisme et bénévolat de manière inconditionnelle- Permaculture dans le soin de la terre pour créer l'abondance nourricière- Conscience fraternelle, pacifique et holistique- Mixité intergénérationnelle et transmissions des connaissances- Ecologie et habitat léger


EN :Land belongs to Mother Earth - Terra pertence à Mãe Terra – La Terre appartient à la Mère Terreis a Portuguese association which aims to:- protect and preserve the natural environment of acquired property and land;- maintain, develop, improve the quality of this environment and of these assets owned by the association;- allow life in Harmony between Men and the Earth in respect of the values of the association.

The values or pillars of the association for a positive, peaceful, harmonious and sustainable society, are based on the conscience of the heart:- Awareness of unity and sacred meaning- Detachment of possessions- Respect, altruism and unconditional volunteerism- Permaculture in the care of the earth to create nourishing abundance- Fraternal, peaceful and holistic consciousness- Intergenerational diversity and transmission of knowledge- Ecology and light habitat 



I do the best I can, I do my part...

According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest. All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction. The hummingbird flew towards the fire! Whatever happened, he wouldn't stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again, this time in the same direction as the jaguar was walking. He could observe this coming and going, until he decided to ask the bird about it, because it seemed very bizarre behavior. "What are you doing, hummingbird?" he asked. "I am going to the lake," he answered, "I drink water with my beak and throw it on the fire to extinguish it." The jaguar laughed. 'Are you crazy? Do you really think that you can put out that big fire on your own with your very small beak?' 'No,' said the hummingbird, 'I know I can't. But the forest is my home. It feeds me, it shelters me and my family. I am very grateful for that. And I help the forest grow by pollinating its flowers. I am part of her and the forest is part of me. I know I can't put out the fire, but I must do my part.' At that moment, the forest spirits, who listened to the hummingbird, were moved by the bird and its devotion to the forest, miraculously they sent a torrential downpour, which put an end to the great fire. The Native American grandmothers would occasionally tell this story to their grandchildren, then conclude with, "Do you want to attract miracles into your life? Do your part." “You have no responsibility to save the world or find the solutions to all problems—but to attend to your particular personal corner of the universe. As each person does that, the world saves itself.’"